sub module 1 of 4

Decisions and Culture

Other countries, other customs: In this course you will learn about how different cultures face problems. Learn how you can benefit from diversity to make better decisions and what to take into account when working with people from different cultures.


Starting date

whenever you're ready or better now?


1 hour


€ 29.00

What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

As a sub module of our main subject better decision-making, we will teach you here, how differrent cultures face problems differently and what is important when you have to make intercultural decisions. 
  • How important are hierarchies
  • How important is the difference of sex
  • How does the process of decision-making work
  • What is power distance and how important is it in making intercultural decisions
  • Differences between national and organizational cultures
  • and much more!

Jörg Köck

CEO and instructor
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Köck has more than 40 years professional experience of which he spent 20 years as a coach. Since 2016, he is intensely engaged with e-learnings and how students learn best and put their new knowledge into practice. From this, he developed Transfer2Reality©. He is a mastermind for negotiations and better decision-making.  
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